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The portal uses ‘cookies’, which are small text files stored on the user's computer and which allow Turismo de Portugal, I.P., to identify the computers that access the portal and which contents are of interest to its users.

The cookie does not store any information identifying users.

While Turismo de Portugal, I.P. does not pass any individual information on to third parties, even if unidentified, the portal does keep aggregate statistical information on the preferences of its visitors, which may be passed on to official entities in the tourism sector.

Cookies allow the portal to recognise the user of a computer on a subsequent visit, acting on the new visit as a continuation of the previous one.

If users register and use the login to identify themselves, the portal will retrieve existing information it has on the user, even if that information has been gathered on another computer.

The use of cookies can be turned off on your computer. On some operating systems and / or browsers they can be turned off only for certain websites. Refer to your computer's manual for this operation.

If you turn off the use of cookies, the portal will treat you as a new user whenever you access it and will not store any of your information from the visits you make.

At the same time, the non-use of cookies may translate into the inoperability of certain features of the portal.

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