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Further information and useful contacts are provided to make your stay in Portugal truly memorable.

If you are a pilgrim on the Fátima Ways or the Ways of St. James, see the recommendations on how to prepare for and undertake the Ways, and about safety, as well as the code of conduct with which you should guide your trip.

To find out more about Jewish Heritage in Portugal, get to know the accommodation units that facilitate welcoming Jewish religion and culture, and restaurants and stores with kosher certification.


How To Get There
By Plane

Portugal’s privileged geographic positioning makes it a stopover point for many foreign airlines at airports throughout the country, which are in:

ANA – Aeroportos de Portugal, SA regulates the operation of airports in Portugal, and provides information on departures and arrivals at as well as the transport available to reach the centre of the nearest towns.

If you want to travel with a bicycle it is advisable to contact the airline before travelling. In doing so, you will be informed of the costs, limitations, procedures and documents required for travelling without any hitches.

By Road
By car

Portugal has a good road network comprising Motorways (AE), Main Itineraries (IP), Complementary Itineraries (IC), National Roads (EN) and Municipal Roads.

There are two types of Motorways:

- the traditional motorways with toll booths, where payment is made in cash or by bank card. These motorways also have Via Verde, an electronic toll system that allows payment by bank debit, and is intended only for holders of a Via Verde transponder, previously purchased at respective sale points (;

- and tolls exclusively for electronic use, where the payment system is exclusively electronic, the passage of vehicles is detected through portals at the start of the roads, identified by the reference "Electronic toll only". For more information on toll-roads and forms of payment see

Car rental services can be found at airports, at international railway stations, and in main towns and cities.

It is possible to hire vehicles with automatic or adapted gears, for drivers with mobility problems, or who simply prefer it.

To rent a car you must:

- be over 21 or 25 years old, depending on the rental conditions of each company;

- have identification (identity card for citizens of the EU, or a valid passport for other nationalities);

- hold a valid driving license for more than one year.


By bus

It is also possible to get to Portugal by bus. International routes to Portugal are operated by the companies Eurolines ( and Intercentro (

Regular bus services connect all cities, towns and main locations in Portugal. For detailed information on routes, schedules and prices, see Rede Nacional de Expressos at

By Train

CP - Trains of Portugal (, provides a vast network of trains covering the entire Portuguese mainland, also ensuring international connections to Vigo, Madrid and Paris.

Several options are available to meet the needs of each traveller:

- the top-of-the-range "Alfa Pendular" trains are the fastest and most comfortable rail link between Lisbon and the Algarve, and to the north of the country, to Porto or Braga, stopping in Coimbra.

- The "Intercidades" intercity service provides links between Lisbon-Porto-Guimarães, Lisbon-Guarda, Lisbon-Covilhã, Lisbon-Évora-Beja and Lisbon-Faro.

- the Sud-Express and the Lusitania sleeper train carry out international rail links to Lisbon.

- a vast network of regional, interregional and suburban trains ensure a wide coverage of the entire national territory.

Read the conditions for transporting bicycles on trains at:


When planning your trip, you can find information and advice on access, assistance and accessible transport for your trip and stay in Portugal, here. Before travelling, we suggest that you first obtain detailed information regarding the services you will require.



In Portugal, many hotels offer adapted rooms for people with special needs; there are also hotel units that endeavour to provide fully adapted services and accommodation. However, direct contact with the establishment is advised for more information on the type of equipment and facilities available. On, accommodation that is accessible to persons with reduced mobility is marked as "Accessible", under Features and Services.



Public transport

Public transport has, as a rule, seats reserved for people with special needs, although not all are accessible to wheelchair users.

In Lisbon, Carris offers a Reduced Mobility Service on Regular Public Service lines. Most buses have a lowered floor between pavements and doors; around half are equipped with full accessibility facilities for passengers with reduced mobility, having space for wheelchairs, backrests and ramps.

More information on

In Porto, STCP has a fleet of accessible urban buses and offers buses equipped with a ramp and a place reserved for wheelchairs. All have lowered floors and allow pushchairs to remain open.

More information at


Lisbon and Porto Underground

Lisbon Metro (Lisbon underground) has stations with full accessibility for passengers with reduced mobility. The blind can travel with their dogs, provided they have a leash and muzzle.

Contacts: Tel. +351 213 500 115 / /

Porto Metro is fully accessible to people with reduced mobility.

Contacts: Tel. +351 225 081 000 /



All Portuguese airports have adapted sanitary facilities and transfers for people with special needs. Upon request, MyWay, a personalised assistance service for passengers with reduced mobility travelling in the EU, may also be made available. It includes mobility-enhancing mechanical resources, ladders and conveyors, lifts, suitable signage and orientation, as well as trained professionals who provide full assistance.

More information on



Transtejo and Soflusa, which carry out the crossing of the Tagus River between Lisbon and the south bank, offer some boats with the appropriate equipment to receive people with special needs.

For more information contact +351 210 422 411 / +351 808 20 30 50



CP-Comboios de Portugal offers the SIM - Integrated Mobility Service, through a call centre - +351 707 210 746 / +351 707 210 SIM, and is available 24 hours, every day of the year, for information as well as to provide the service. Through this service, the Customer with special needs will be able to obtain information on the accessibility of trains and in stations, assistance service on boarding, travelling and on arrival, among other services.

More information at

Fertagus, which serves the Lisbon Metropolitan Area, has carriages equipped for the use of wheelchair users. Most railway stations provide access to boarding platforms via lifts and / or ramps.

Contact: Tel. +351 707 127 127.



There are taxis adapted to the needs of those with reduced mobility in the cities of Lisbon, Faro and Porto, among others. These new taxis adapted for the transport of persons with reduced mobility are equipped with boarding platforms, adapted seat belts, and wheelchair fastening devices or a door with a wider opening angle. These taxis can be found at airports and / or upon request when calling a taxi. See contacts at



If the person has some form of motor, sensory or intellectual disability but still holds a valid driving license, in Portugal he / she may drive, provided that any restrictions or adaptations that apply to the situation are complied with.

EU-issued parking cards for persons with disabilities of any type issued by any Member State are recognised in Portugal. Disabled parking spots are identified with signage. Parking in other spaces is allowed, in case of absolute necessity, provided that it is for short periods of time and without obstructing the normal and free movement of pedestrians and vehicles.

For more information, contact

Passports and Visas

Citizens of the European Union, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland only require an ID card to enter Portugal.

For stays of 90 days or less, a passport valid for a period longer than three months after the end of the stay is required for visitors from Albania, Andorra, Antigua and Barbuda, Argentina, Australia, Bahamas, Barbados, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Brazil, Brunei, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Georgia, Grenada, Guatemala, Honduras, Marshall Islands, Solomon Islands, Israel, Republic of Macedonia, Monaco, Montenegro, Nicaragua, New Zealand, New Zealand, Palau, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Kiribati, Samoa, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Serbia, Seychelles, Singapore, East Timor, Tonga, Trinidad and Tobago, Tuvalu, Ukraine, Uruguay, Vanuatu, Venezuela, Special Administrative Regions of the People's Republic of China in Hong Kong and Macao and the Territorial Authority of Taiwan.

Citizens from states not mentioned above, need a visa to enter Portugal, which can be requested from the Consulate or Embassy of Portugal in their country, for stays of up to a maximum of 90 days.
Under the terms of the Convention implementing the Schengen Agreements, passengers travelling to and from another Schengen State, understood as an internal flight, do not require a new visa.

More information at:

Request for visas

Serviço de Estrangeiros e Fronteiras (SEF) - Immigration and Borders Service

Health Services

If you need medical assistance call the local Health Centre. Hospital Emergency Units should only be used in case of an emergency (serious trauma, poisoning, burns, heart attacks, strokes, breathing problems, etc.).

In the event of an accident or illness during a visit to Portugal, citizens of the 27 countries of the European Union, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway or Switzerland have access to free or moderated health care (the same benefits as Portuguese citizens), provided that they present the European Health Insurance Card (issued in the country of origin) and their passport or ID document.

In general, pharmacies are open to the public on weekdays between 9.00 and 19.00 (some are closed for lunch between 13.00 and 15.00), and on Saturdays from 9.00 to 13.00. They are marked by a flashing green cross, when open at night. All have information about the closest pharmacies that are open at night posted on the door.

Useful Contacts

In an emergency, dial 112, the national emergency number. The call is free and the service is available in three languages: Portuguese, English and French.

National Republican Guard (GNR) - General Command: +351 213 217 000

Public Security Police (PSP) - Transit: +351 217 501 200

Civil Protection - Tel.: +351 214 247 100

Forest Protection - Tel.: 117

Fátima Ways

Way Preparation

Before walking the Fátima Way, it is advisable to prepare physically with exercises to tone the body and give elasticity to the muscles of the legs, back and neck. Start your workout a few months in advance, gradually increasing the time and difficulty.

Define a staged plan that meets your level of fitness and includes existing accommodation options. Each stage covers an average distance of 25-30 km per day on foot and 60-100 km by bicycle. 

Also take into consideration the time of year when you want to do the walk, to choose the best clothes and shoes for the weather. The climate in Portugal is mild and varies from region to region, according to altitude, latitude and proximity to the sea. In the central and northern areas of the country, winters are cooler, although temperatures are moderate compared to the rest of Europe. Summers are hot and dry, especially in the interior, while heat in coastal regions is moderated by sea breezes. During the autumn days are often sunny with mild temperatures.

Lightweight and comfortable, quick-drying clothes are recommended, along with caps or hats, preferably with wide brims, to avoid heat stroke. Regardless of the time of year you intend making the journey, it is imperative to carry a large raincoat that covers your body and backpack. Wear comfortable, lightweight hiking shoes that are flexible and waterproof and that allow feet to breathe. Do not wear new shoes. You should take several pairs of socks and a pair of flip-flops or sandals, to rest your feet at the end of the day and that can also be used to bathe.

Choose a backpack that fits your body well and carry only what is needed. It is advisable that the weight of the backpack does not exceed 10% of the carrier’s weight. Inside the backpack you should include:

- ID documentation.

- Debit and / or credit card.

- A bottle of water.

- High protection sun cream.

- First aid kit.

- Tissues.

- A pocket knife or multipurpose tool.

- Small flashlight.

- Earplugs.

- Pegs and string to dry clothes.

- Laundry soap.

- Sleeping bag (necessary for overnight hostel accommodation).

- High-visibility vest for walking on roadsides.

- Mobile phone and charger.

On the Way

It is essential to keep well hydrated before, during and after completing the way. Drink water frequently, even if you’re not thirsty. Isotonic drinks provide great rehydration and prevent muscle fatigue.

Consuming small quantities of water and energy-boosting foods, such as nuts, energy bars, fruit or chocolate, during breaks along the way is recommended to recover strength and prevent cramps. 

Breaks should be kept short, between 5 - 10 minutes, if on foot. If cycling the breaks should be infrequent, short, and always off the road. In summer, always try to find a spot in the shade to rest and restore energy. To avoid fatigue you should take a break before becoming tired. Thus, it is easier and faster to recover.

Make the most of breaks to take shoes off and put your feet up. Feet should be very well looked after Always keep them clean and, every day, before starting the walk, put petroleum jelly on them, especially on the heels, between the toes and the sole of the foot. 

If you get blisters, pop them with a hypodermic needle until well drained, but never remove the skin that protects the injured area. Then put a dressing over the blister, covering the entire affected area. In the event of fungal infections, which usually occur in the form of cracks between the toes, it is advised to wash and dry the feet well, and then apply an antifungal spray, letting it air-dry. In such cases the use of ointments is not recommended because they would make the affected area wetter and stimulate the appearance of more fungi.

Safety Recommendations

- Preferably be accompanied.

- Gather information on the Way beforehand. 

- Have a look at the weather forecast and do not walk on days that are very hot, rainy or windy.

- Always inform someone of the route you are going to take and estimated time of arrival.

- Calculate how long trails are expected to take, and make sure you complete them before dark, close to accommodation.

- If possible take a mobile phone and charger with you.

- Do not take risks.

- Do not drink water from springs or sources that are not guaranteed to be of adequate quality for consumption.

- Bear in mind that autumn and winter are hunting seasons when walking through hunting areas.

- Do not carry unnecessary valuables.

Code of Conduct

Some trails cross through areas of through environmentally sensitive areas, namely in terms of flora, fauna and vegetation conservation:

- Avoid making unnecessary noise.

- Observe fauna from a distance.

- Do not damage or collect plants or rock samples.

- Do not leave rubbish behind or any other traces of your passing through.


The routes allow close contact with agro-systems where farming, livestock and forestry activities are carried out and whose integrity is essential to safeguard:

- Do not make a fire and be careful with cigarette butts.

- Beware of cattle. Although tame, they do not like strangers approaching their offspring.

- Leave gates as you find them. If they are closed, make sure that they are tightly closed.


Some of the roads cross private land, with the owners’ permission.

- Respect private property.

- Follow only the routes signposted as part of the Fátima Way.

- Be affable with locals.

Tagus Way
Getting There
By plane

The international airport of Lisbon is about 7 kms from the city centre. Major international airlines fly to Lisbon.

Airport Humberto Delgado
Tel.: +351 218 413 500
Tel.: +351 218 413 700 | +351 800 201 201 (information service)

If you want to travel with a bicycle it is advisable to contact the airline before travelling. In doing so, you will be informed of the costs, limits, procedures and documents required for travelling without hitches.


By road

Lisbon has excellent access roads. The A1 motorway, the largest motorway in the country between Lisbon and Porto in the north of the country, and the A2, which connects Lisbon to the Algarve in the south, are the best ways to enter Lisbon. Both motorways have national and international connections at some points along the way.

Learn more about the payment of tolls on motorways at


By train

Rail transport is an easy way to get to Lisbon and the start of the Tagus Way. Oriente Station is located a few metres from the start of the Tagus Way. 

It is this station that inter-connects with the Lisbon Metro and the Lisbon and Tejo bus stations and where national and international trains arrive.

See conditions for carrying bicycles on trains at

Useful Contacts

Useful information on health, police and other services in the municipalities that the Tagus Way passes through.


Medical assistance

Santa Maria Hospital: +351 217 805 000 / +351 217 805 111 / +351 217 805 222 |

São José Hospital: +351 218 841 000 |

S. Louis Hospital: +351 213 216 500 |

British Hospital Lisbon XXI: +351 217 104 600 |

Cuf Hospital: +351 213 926 100 / +351 210 025 200 |

Cuf Discoveries Hospital: +351 210 025 200 |

Luz Hospital: +351 217 104 400 |

Lusíadas Hospital: +351 217 704 040 |

SAMS Hospital: +351 210 499 999 |


Public Security Police (PSP) - Metropolitan Command of Lisbon: +351 217 654 242 / +351 965 990 000

Public Security Police (PSP) - Tourism Police Station Lisbon: +351 213 421 623

National Republican Guard (GNR) - General Command: +351 213 217 000



Medical assistance

Beatriz Ângelo Hospital: +351 219 847 200 | /


Public Security Police (PSP) - Loures Station: +351 219 946 760


Vila Franca de Xira

Medical assistance

Vila Franca de Xira Hospital: +351 263 006 500 |


Public Security Police (PSP) - Vila Franca de Xira - 90th Station: +351 263 279 070

National Republican Guard (GNR) - Territorial Deployment of Vila Franca de Xira: +351 263 247 360




National Republican Guard (GNR) - Territorial Office of Azambuja: +351 263 418 841




Public Security Police (PSP) - Cartaxo Police Station: +351 243 702 022

National Republican Guard (GNR) - Territorial Office of Cartaxo: +351 243 703 190



Medical assistance

Santarém District Hospital: +351 243 300 200 / +351 243 370 578 |


Public Security Police (PSP) - Santarém District Command: +351 243 322 022 / +351 962 089 952 / +351 962 091 175

National Republican Guard (GNR) - Territorial Command of Santarém: +351 243 304 500



Medical Assistance

Alenquer Health Centre: +351 263 731 340


National Republican Guard (GNR) - Territorial Deployment of Alenquer: +351 263 247 340




National Republican Guard (GNR) - Territorial Office of Alcanena: +351 249 882 385




National Republican Guard (GNR) - Batalha Territorial Office: +351 244 769 120




Public Security Police (PSP) - Ourém Police Station: +351 249 540 440

National Republican Guard (GNR) - Territorial Office of Fátima: +351 249 530 580

National Republican Guard (GNR) - Territorial Office of Ourém: +351 249 540 310

Northern Way
Getting There
By plane

Upon arriving at the international airport of Porto there are car hire or public transport (train or coach) services that will take you to Valença, where the Northern Way begins.

By road

To travel by car from Porto you may take the A3 Motorway.

To learn more about payment of the toll roads, please visit

There are regular coach services that connect various cities, towns, etc to Valença.

For services and timetable information please visit the website:

By train

National train services, operated by Caminhos de Ferro Portugueses (CP), run from Porto to Valença.

Please check services and timetables at:

Useful Contacts

Useful information on health, police and other services in the municipalities that the Northern Way passes through.


Medical assistance

Valença Health Centre: +351 251 800 020


National Republican Guard (GNR) - Territorial Office of Valença: +351 251 801 010


Paredes de Coura

Medical assistance

Paredes de Coura Health Centre: +351 251 780 320 / +351 251 782 192 / +351 251 780 326 / +351 251 780 328


National Republican Guard (GNR) - Territorial Office of Paredes de Coura: +351 251 782 123


Ponte de Lima

Medical assistance

Conde de Bertiandos Hospital: +351 258 909 500


Public Security Police (PSP) - Ponte de Lima Police Station: +351 258 941 113

National Republican Guard (GNR) - Territorial Office of Ponte de Lima: +351 258 900 240



Medical assistance

Santa Maria Maior de Barcelos Hospital: +351 253 809 200

Private Hospital of Barcelos: +351 253 839 250


Public Security Police (PSP) - Barcelos Police Station: +351 253 802 570


Póvoa de Varzim

Medical assistance

Accident & Emergency Department - Póvoa de Varzim/ Vila do Conde (Póvoa de Varzim): +351 252 690 600

Luz Póvoa de Varzim Hospital: +351 252 690 900


Public Security Police (PSP) - Póvoa de Varzim Police Station: +351 252 298 190

National Republican Guard (GNR) - Territorial Office of Póvoa de Varzim: +351 252 240 350


Vila do Conde

Medical assistance

Accident & Emergency Department - Póvoa de Varzim/ Vila do Conde (Vila do Conde): : +351 252 299 100


Public Security Police (PSP) - Vila do Conde Police Station: +351 252 640 710

National Republican Guard (GNR) - Territorial Office of Vila do Conde: +351 252 640 160



Medical assistance

Trofa Saúde Hospital - Maia: +351 229 980 940


Public Security Police (PSP) - Maia Police Station: +351 229 479 690

National Republican Guard (GNR) - Territorial Office of Maia: +351 229 867 430



Medical assistance

Pedro Hispano Hospital: +351 229 391 000

Trofa Saúde Hospital - Matosinhos: +351 229 980 900


Public Security Police (PSP) –Matosinhos Police Station: +351 229 399 040

National Republican Guard (GNR) – Territorial Deployment of Matosinhos: +351 229 982 940



Medical assistance

Accident & Emergency Department - Porto: +351 222 077 500

Santa Maria Hospital - Porto: +351 225 082 000

CUF Hospital - Porto: +351 220 039 000

Lapa Hospital: +351 225 502 828

Accident & Emergency Department - S. João: +351 225 512 100

São Francisco Hospital - Porto: +351 222 062 100

Ordem da Trindade Hospital: +351 222 075 900

Magalhães Lemos Hospital: +351 226 192 400


Public Security Police (PSP) - Metropolitan Command of Porto: +351 222 092 000

National Republican Guard (GNR) - Territorial Command of Porto: +351 223 399 600


Vila Nova de Gaia

Medical assistance

Accident & Emergency Department - Vila Nova de Gaia/ Espinho: +351 227 865 100

Trofa Saúde Hospital - Gaia: :+351 220 439 600

Luz Arrábida Hospital: +351 220 039 000


Public Security Police (PSP) – Vila Nova de Gaia Police Station: +351 227 878 370

National Republican Guard (GNR) - Territorial Deployment of Vila Nova de Gaia:+351 227 862 000


Santa Maria da Feira

Medical assistance

São Sebastião Hospital: +351 256 379 700

Santa Maria da Feira Health Centre: +351 256 371 440


Public Security Police (PSP) - Santa Maria da Feira Police Station: +351 256 300 030

National Republican Guard (GNR) - Territorial Office of Santa Maria da Feira: +351 256 377 260


São João da Madeira

Medical assistance

São João da Madeira Hospital: +351 256 837 500

Trofa Saúde Hospital - São João da Madeira: +351 256 247 700


Public Security Police (PSP) - São João da Madeira Police Station: +351 256 815 000


Oliveira de Azeméis

Medical assistance

São Miguel Hospital: +351 256 600 800


National Republican Guard (GNR) - Territorial Office of Oliveira de Azeméis: +351 256 600 740



Medical assistance

Albergaria-a-Velha Health Centre: +351 234 523 213


National Republican Guard (GNR) - Territorial Office of Albergaria-a-Velha: +351 234 521 237



Medical assistance

Águeda Hospital: +351 234 611 000


National Republican Guard (GNR) - Territorial Office of Águeda: +351 234 622 417



Medical assistance

José Luciano de Castro Hospital: +351 231 510 420


National Republican Guard (GNR) - Territorial Office of Anadia: +351 231 512 341



Medical assistance

Misericórdia da Mealhada Hospital: +351 231 209 050


National Republican Guard (GNR) - Territorial Office of Mealhada: +351 231 202 351



Medical assistance

Universidade de Coimbra Hospitals: +351 239 400 400

General Hospital: +351 239 800 100 / +351 239 488 700

Pediatric Hospital: +351 239 800 100 / +351 239 488 700

Celas Health Centre: +351 239 790 820

S. Martinho do Bispo Health Centre: +351 239 802 900

Sta. Clara Health Centre: +351 239 802 110

Fernão de Magalhães Health Centre: +351 239 856 110


Public Security Police (PSP): +351 239 797 640

National Republican Guard (GNR) - Territorial Command of Coimbra: +351 239 794 300



Medical assistance

Condeixa Health Centre: +351 239 940 170


National Republican Guard (GNR) - Territorial Office of Condeixa-a-Nova: +351 239 940 250



Medical assistance

Penela Health Centre: +351 239 560 200


National Republican Guard (GNR) - Territorial Office of Penela: +351 239 569 135



Medical assistance

Ansião Health Centre: +351 236 670 150

Fundação Nossa Senhora da Guia Hospital: +351 236 620 200


National Republican Guard (GNR) - Territorial Office of Ansião: +351 236 670 800



Medical assistance

Alvaiázere Health Centre: +351 236 670 150


National Republican Guard (GNR) - Territorial Office of Alvaiázere: +351 236 650 030



Medical assistance

Ourém Health Centre: +351 249 540 630

Fátima Health Centre: +351 249 531 836


Public Security Police (PSP) - Ourém Police Station: +351 249 540 440

National Republican Guard (GNR) - Territorial Office of Fátima: +351 249 530 580

National Republican Guard (GNR) - Territorial Office of Ourém: +351 249 540 310

Nazaré Way
Getting There
By road

Leaving Lisbon take the A1 motorway (North) or the A8 motorway (CRIL/Leiria) to Nazaré.

Learn more about the payment of tolls on motorways at

By bus

To reach Nazaré and the beginning of the Nazaré Way, you may depart from Lisbon and take a bus provided by Rede de Expressos, at Sete Rios terminal, located in Praça Marechal Humberto Delgado, Estrada das Laranjeiras.

See timetable at

Useful Contacts

Useful information on health, police and other services in the municipalities that the Nazaré Way passes through.


Medical assistance

Accident & Emergency Department - Nossa Senhora da Nazaré: +351 262 552 323

Private Clinic in Sítio: +351 262 568 410

Nazaré Health Centre: +351 262 569 120


Public Security Police (PSP) – Esquadra da Nazaré: +351 262 550 070

National Republican Guard (GNR) - Territorial Office of Valado dos Frades: +351 262 577 177



Medical assistance

Bernardino Lopes de Oliveira Hospital: +351 262 590 400

Alcobaça Health Centre: +351 262 590 510

Accident & Emergency Department - São Francisco: +351 262 580 050


Public Security Police (PSP) – Alcobaça Police Station: +351 262 505 650

National Republican Guard (GNR) - Territorial Office of Alcobaça: +351 262 580 100


Porto de Mós

Medical assistance

Porto de Mós Health Centre: +351 244 499 200


National Republican Guard (GNR) - Territorial Office of Porto de Mós: +351 244 480 080



Medical assistance

Accident & Emergency Department - Nossa Senhora da Conceição - Brancas: +351 244 769 430

Batalha Health Centre: +351 244 769 920


National Republican Guard (GNR) - Territorial Office of Batalha: +351 244 769 120




Public Security Police (PSP) - Ourém Police Station: +351 249 540 440

National Republican Guard (GNR) - Territorial Office of Fátima: +351 249 530 580

National Republican Guard (GNR) - Territorial Office of Ourém: +351 249 540 310

Carmelite Route
Getting There
By plane

The airports closest to Coimbra are the International Airport in Porto (110 km) and the International Airport in Lisbon (210 km). Upon arriving at either airport there are car hire or public transport (train or coach) services that will take you to Coimbra, where the Carmelite Route begins.

By Road

To travel by car from Lisbon or Porto you may take the A1 Motorway.

To learn more about payment of the toll roads, please visit

There are regular coach services that connect various cities, towns, etc to Coimbra. The main operators are Rede Expressos and Internorte.

For services and timetable information please visit their website:

By train

National train services, operated by Caminhos de Ferro Portugueses (CP), run from Lisbon and Porto to Coimbra, as well as some international services from the frontier of Vilar Formoso/Irun.

Apart from the Coimbra B railway terminal, the city also has Coimbra A station which is in the centre of the city.

Please check services and timetables at:

Useful Contacts

Useful information on health, police and other services in the municipalities that the Carmelite Route passes through.

Associação dos Caminhos de Fátima (association created by the municipalities crossed by the Carmelite Route) - contact: 

Medical assistance

Universidade de Coimbra Hospitals: +351 239 400 400

General Hospital: +351 239 800 100 / +351 239 488 700

Pediatric Hospital: +351 239 800 100 / +351 239 488 700

Celas Health Centre: +351 239 790 820

S. Martinho do Bispo Health Centre: +351 239 802 900

Sta. Clara Health Centre: +351 239 802 110

Fernão de Magalhães Health Centre: +351 239 802 110


Public Security Police (PSP): +351 239 797 640

National Republican Guard (GNR) - Territorial Command of Coimbra: +351 239 794 300



Medical assistance

Condeixa Health Centre: +351 239 940 170


National Republican Guard (GNR) - Territorial Office of Condeixa-a-Nova: +351 239 940 250



Medical assistance

Penela Health Centre: +351 239 560 200


National Republican Guard (GNR) - Territorial Office of Penela: +351 239 569 135



Medical assistance

Ansião Health Centre: +351 236 670 150

Fundação Nossa Senhora da Guia Hospital: +351 236 620 200


National Republican Guard (GNR) – Territorial Office of Ansião: +351 236 670 800



Medical assistance

Alvaiázere Health Centre: +351 236 650 150


National Republican Guard (GNR) – Territorial Office of Alvaiázere: +351 236 650 030



Medical assistance

Ourém Health Centre: +351 249 540 630

Fátima Health Centre: +351 249 531 836


Public Security Police (PSP) - Ourém Police Station: +351 249 540 440

National Republican Guard (GNR) - Territorial Office of Fátima: +351 249 530 580

National Republican Guard (GNR) - Territorial Office of Ourém: +351 249 540 310

Additional information about Carmelite Route
Additional information about Fátima Ways

Centro Nacional de Cultura:

How to obtain the Pilgrim's Credential of the Paths of Fátima

The credential can be collected at the Centro Nacional de Cultura, in Lisbon (, at Albergues de Peregrinos, at Sé Catedral de Lisboa, at the Lisbon Tourism Offices (Rua do Arsenal, 21/Terreiro do Paço) and of Vila Franca de Xira. Also, it can be raised at the Tourism Center of Portugal and Tourism of Alentejo and Ribatejo Tourism Offices. More information can be requested to

Jewish Heritage

Kosher Services

Hotel da Música
Mercado do Bom Sucesso,
Largo Ferreira Lapa, 21 a 183
4150-323 Porto
Tel.: +351 226 076 000

Belmonte Sinai Hotel
Largo de São Sebastião
6250-086 Belmonte
Tel.: +351 275 910 800

LUX Lisboa Park Hotel
Rua Padre António Vieira, 32
1070-197 Lisboa
Tel.: +351 213 894 320


Bom Sucesso Gourmet
Hotel da Música
Mercado do Bom Sucesso - Largo Ferreira Lapa, 21 a 183
4150-323 Porto
Tel.: +351 226 076 000

Casa de Hummus
Rua de Santo Ildefonso, 233
4000-222 Porto
Tel.: +351 911 500 725

Kosher Kadoorie Restaurant
Sinagoga Kadoorie Mekor Haim
Rua de Guerra Junqueiro, 340
4150-386 Porto
Tel.: +351 911 768 596
Apenas mediante prévia reserva e para grupos judaicos.

Hotel Lusitânia Congress & Spa Restaurant
Urbanização Quinta das Covas, Lote 34
6300-389 Guarda
Tel.: +351 275 330 406

Hotel Vanguarda Restaurant
Avenida Monsenhor Mendes do Carmo
6300-586 Guarda
Tel.: +351 275 330 406

Hotel Puralã - Wool Valley Hotel & Spa Restaurant
Rua Alameda Pêro da Covilhã
6201-909 Covilhã
Tel.: +351 275 330 400

Alquimia Restaurant
H2otel Congress & Medical Spa
Avenida das Termas, Apartado 459
6215-574 Unhais da Serra
Tel.: +351 275 970 020

Salvo Seja Restaurant
LUX Lisboa Park Hotel
Rua Padre António Vieira, 32
1070-197 Lisboa
Tel.: +351 213 894 320


Porto Kosher Store
Mercado do Bom Sucesso
Largo Ferreira Lapa, 21 a 183
4150-323 Porto
Tel.: +351 226 076 000

Portuel Kosher Store
Rua Gomes Freire, 146 A
1150-180 Lisboa
Tel.: +351 213 540 460 | +351 960 164 445

Useful Contacts

Jewish Community of Oporto
Tel.: +351 911 768 596

Jewish Community of Lisbon
Tel.: +351 213 931 130

Portuguese Network of Jewish Quarters
Tel.: +351 275 911 362 | +351 928 054 110

Granting Nationality to Sephardic Jews’ Descendants
Portuguese Communities Portal - Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Sephardic Jews of Portuguese origin can obtain the Portuguese nationality, by naturalisation, through the administrative procedure regulated by Decree-Law No. 30-A/2015, of 27 February. For more information, please refer to the Portuguese Communities Portal of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, here.

Portuguese Way of Saint James

Way Preparation

Before walking the Portuguese Way of Saint James, it is advisable to prepare physically with exercises to tone the body and give elasticity to the muscles of the legs, back and neck. Start your workout a few months in advance, gradually increasing the time and difficulty.

Define a staged plan that meets your level of fitness and includes existing accommodation options. Each stage covers an average distance of 25-30 km per day on foot and 60-100 km by bicycle.

Also take into consideration the time of year when you want to do the walk, to choose the best clothes and shoes for the weather. The climate in Portugal is mild and varies from region to region, according to altitude, latitude and proximity to the sea. In the central and northern areas of the country, winters are cooler, although temperatures are moderate compared to the rest of Europe. Summers are hot and dry, especially in the interior, while heat in coastal regions is moderated by sea breezes. During the autumn days are often sunny with mild temperatures.

Lightweight and comfortable, quick-drying clothes are recommended, along with caps or hats, preferably with wide brims, to avoid heat stroke. Regardless of the time of year you intend making the journey, it is imperative to carry a large raincoat that covers your body and backpack. Wear comfortable, lightweight hiking shoes that are flexible and waterproof and that allow feet to breathe. Do not wear new shoes. You should take several pairs of socks and a pair of flip-flops or sandals, to rest your feet at the end of the day and that can also be used to bathe.

Choose a backpack that fits your body well and carry only what is needed. It is advisable that the weight of the backpack does not exceed 10% of the carrier’s weight. Inside the backpack you should include:
- ID documentation.
- Debit and / or credit card.
- A bottle of water.
- High protection sun cream.
- First aid kit.
- Tissues.
- A pocket knife or multipurpose tool.
- Small flashlight.
- Earplugs.
- Pegs and string to dry clothes.
- Laundry soap.
- Sleeping bag (necessary for overnight hostel accommodation).
- High-visibility vest for walking on roadsides.
- Mobile phone and charger.

On the Way

It is essential to keep well hydrated before, during and after completing the way. Drink water frequently, even if you’re not thirsty. Isotonic drinks provide great rehydration and prevent muscle fatigue.

Consuming small quantities of water and energy-boosting foods, such as nuts, energy bars, fruit or chocolate, during breaks along the way is recommended to recover strength and prevent cramps.

Breaks should be kept short, between 5 - 10 minutes, if on foot. If cycling the breaks should be infrequent, short, and always off the road. In summer, always try to find a spot in the shade to rest and restore energy. To avoid fatigue you should take a break before becoming tired. Thus, it is easier and faster to recover.

Make the most of breaks to take shoes off and put your feet up. Feet should be very well looked after Always keep them clean and, every day, before starting the walk, put petroleum jelly on them, especially on the heels, between the toes and the sole of the foot.

If you get blisters, pop them with a hypodermic needle until well drained, but never remove the skin that protects the injured area. Then put a dressing over the blister, covering the entire affected area. In the event of fungal infections, which usually occur in the form of cracks between the toes, it is advised to wash and dry the feet well, and then apply an antifungal spray, letting it air-dry. In such cases the use of ointments is not recommended because they would make the affected area wetter and stimulate the appearance of more fungi.

Safety Recommendations

- Preferably be accompanied.
- Gather information on the Way beforehand.
- Have a look at the weather forecast and do not walk on days that are very hot, rainy or windy.
- Always inform someone of the route you are going to take and estimated time of arrival.
- Calculate how long trails are expected to take, and make sure you complete them before dark, close to accommodation.
- If possible take a mobile phone and charger with you.
- Do not take risks.
- Do not drink water from springs or sources that are not guaranteed to be of adequate quality for consumption.
- Bear in mind that autumn and winter are hunting seasons when walking through hunting areas.
- Do not carry unnecessary valuables.

Code of Conduct

Some trails cross through areas of through environmentally sensitive areas, namely in terms of flora, fauna and vegetation conservation:
- Avoid making unnecessary noise.
- Observe fauna from a distance.
- Do not damage or collect plants or rock samples.
- Do not leave rubbish behind or any other traces of your passing through.
The routes allow close contact with agro-systems where farming, livestock and forestry activities are carried out and whose integrity is essential to safeguard:
- Do not make a fire and be careful with cigarette butts.
- Beware of cattle. Although tame, they do not like strangers approaching their offspring.
- Leave gates as you find them. If they are closed, make sure that they are tightly closed.
Some of the roads cross private land, with the owners’ permission.
- Respect private property.
- Follow only the routes signposted as part of the Fátima Way.
- Be affable with locals

Portuguese Way of Saint James – Coastal Way
Getting There
By plane

Porto Airport, Francisco Sá Carneiro (OPO), is one of the best airport infrastructures in the north of the Iberian Peninsula. It is just 10 km from the city and has internal connections (Lisbon, Algarve and Madeira), as well as to the main cities in Spain, Europe and the American continent.

You can consult available services at:

Traveling from the airport to the city is also very simple. We can choose the violet metro line (frequency: every 30 min). There is also the possibility of taking the bus: lines 601 and 602 (Sá Carneiro - Cordoaria) or 604 (Sá Carneiro - Hospital de São João).

You can consult available services and schedules at: and

By road

From Lisbon, take the A1 motorway to Porto. From Porto to Santiago we can reach it in two and a half hours via the A3 motorway. And from the South, the easiest is to take the A2 motorway to Lisbon and the A1 to Porto.

By bus from Lisbon we can reach Porto by the company Rede Expresso, which connects the two cities in three and a half hours.

You can consult available services and schedules at:

By train

The best option to reach Porto by train from any Spanish city is to travel to Lisbon and from there take an Intercidades train to Porto. From Galicia, there is an international train, called Celta, which connects Vigo to the Porto-Campanhã station twice a day.

You can consult available services and schedules at:

Useful Contacts

Useful information on health, police and other services in the municipalities that the Portuguese Way of Saint James – Coast Way passes through

Emergency: 112

Stage Porto – Matosinhos

Medical assistance

Santo António Hospital: +351 222 077 500

São João Hospital: +351 225 512 100


Oporto Tourism Police: +351 222 081 833

Fire and rescue service

Batalhão de Sapadores Bombeiros Porto: +351 225 073 700

Bombeiros Voluntários Porto: +351 222 055 845


Stage Matosinhos – Maia

Medical assistance

Santo António Hospital: +351 229 391 000


Public Security Police (PSP) – Matosinhos: +351 229 577 940 /


Stage Maia – Vila do Conde


Public Security Police (PSP) – Maia: +351 229 482 693

Fire and rescue service

Associação Humanitária dos Bombeiros Voluntários Moreira da Maia: +351 229 421 018

Meios de transporte

Metro -

Táxis - Taximaia - Central Rádio Táxis ACE: +351 229 482 660


Stage Vila do Conde - Póvoa de Varzim

Medical assistance

Modivas Health Centre: +351 229 272 338 /

Vila do Conde Health Centre: +351 252 299 030

Vila do Conde Hospital: +351 252 299 100


National Republican Guard (GNR) - Territorial Command of Vila do Conde: +351 252 640 160 /

Public Security Police (PSP) - Vila do Conde: +351 252 640 710 /

Municipal Police - Vila do Conde: +351 252 248 930

Fire and rescue service

Bombeiros Voluntários Vila do Conde: +351 252 640 600 /

Bombeiros Voluntários Vila do Conde: +351 252 640 600


Stage Póvoa de Varzim – Esposende

Medical assistance

Póvoa de Varzim Health Centre: +351 252 299 620 /

Póvoa do Varzim / Vila do Conde Hospital: +351 252 690 600 /


National Republican Guard (GNR) - Territorial Command of Póvoa de Varzim: +381 252 240 350 /

Public Security Police (PSP) - Póvoa de Varzim: +351 252 298 190 /

Municipal Police Póvoa de Varzim: +351 252 298 503 /

Fire and rescue service

Bombeiros Voluntários de Póvoa de Varzim: +351 252 291 500


Stage Esposende – Viana do Castelo

Medical assistance

Esposende Health Centre: +351 253 969 740 /

Hospital Santa Casa de Misericórdia de Esposende: +351 253 989 300 /

Valentim Ribeiro Hospital: +351 253 969 480 /


National Republican Guard (GNR) - Territorial Command of Esposende: +351 253 989 110 /

Fire and rescue service

Bombeiros Voluntários Esposende: +351 253 969 110 /

Bombeiros Voluntários Fão: +351 253 969 800 /


Stage Viana do Castelo – Caminha

Medical assistance

Viana do Castelo Health Centre: +351 258 806 880 /

Darque Health Centre: +351 258 320 120 /

Viana do Castelo Private Hospital: +351 258 808 030 /

Alto Minho Health Centre: +351 258 802 100


National Republican Guard (GNR) - Territorial Command of Viana do Castelo: +351 258 840 489 /

Public Security Police (PSP) - Viana do Castelo: +351 258 822 022 /

Fire and rescue service

Bombeiros Voluntários de Viana do Castelo: +351 258 840 400 /


Stage Caminha – Vila Nova de Cerveira

Medical assistance

Caminha Health Centre: +351 258 719 300

Vila Praia de Ancora Health Centre: +351 258 959 070


National Republican Guard (GNR) - Territorial Command of Caminha: +351 258 921 168 /

National Republican Guard (GNR) - Territorial Command of Vila Praia de Âncora: +351 258 959 260 /

Fire and rescue service

Bombeiros Voluntários de Caminha: +351 258 719 500

Bombeiros Voluntários de Vila Praia de Âncora: +351 258 911 125


Stage Vila Nova de Cerveira - Valença

Medical assistance

Vila Nova de Cerveira Health Centre: +351 251 795 289 /

Clipóvoa Health Centre: +351 251 706 100 /

Valença Health Centre: +351 251 822 382 /


National Republican Guard (GNR) - Territorial Command of Vila Nova de Cerveira: +351 251 795 113 /

National Republican Guard (GNR) - Territorial Command of Valença: +351 251 822 125 /

Fire and rescue service

Bombeiros Voluntários de Vila Nova de Cerveira: +351 251 795 315 /

Bombeiros Voluntários de Valença: +351 251 809 000

Meios de transporte

Táxis - Praça Alto Minho, Vila Nova de Cerveira: +351 251 797 120

Additional Information about Portuguese Way of Saint James – Coastal Way
Portuguese Way of Saint James – Inland


Central Portuguese Way of Saint James - Porto and North
Getting There
By plane

Porto Airport, Francisco Sá Carneiro (OPO), is one of the best airport infrastructures in the north of the Iberian Peninsula. It is only 10 km from the city of Porto and has connections domestically (to Lisbon, the Algarve, and Madeira) as well as to major cities in Spain, Europe, and also the Americas.

Getting from the airport to the city is also very simple. By bus, you can choose the 3M (to Av. Aliados) or the 604 (Sá Hospital de São João). Alternatively, we can take lines 601 and 602 (to Cordoaria). The metro's purple line operates every 30 minutes.

By road

We can reach Oliveira de Azeméis via the A1 highway - exit Feira or Estarreja, depending on whether you are coming from the north or south (respectively), via the A29 - exit Estarreja, or the A32 which crosses part of the northern part of the Municipality.

In addition to highways, other roads allow easy access to the municipality, such as the IC2 (which crosses the municipality from north to south) and the EN224 (which crosses the municipality from east to west).

From Santiago to Porto, we can arrive in two and a half hours via the A3. And from Madrid, via the A4 and the A25. From the South, the easiest way is to take the A2 to Lisbon and then the A1 to Porto. From Extremadura, via the A1 and the A25.

There are regular bus connections to Porto, Aveiro, and Coimbra, as well as other more restricted ones, at the local and regional levels.

By train

Regarding railway transportation, the Vouga Valley line is in operation, connecting with the Northern line in Espinho. From there, we can continue to Porto, Aveiro, Coimbra, and Lisbon. For the closest point to the start of the itinerary, we can find the stations of Ovar or Estarreja.

The best option to reach Porto by train from any Spanish city is to travel to Lisbon and then take an Intercidades train to Porto. If we are in Galicia, there is an international train called Celta, which connects Vigo to Porto-Campanhã station twice a day.

Useful Contacts

Useful information about health, police, and other services in the municipalities that are part of the Portuguese Way of Santiago Central - Porto and North.

Stage Oliveira de Azeméis - São João da Madeira


Guarda Nacional Republicana (GNR) - Posto Territorial de Cucujães: +351 256 890 283 / 40.874387 -8.513505

GNR - Posto Territorial de Oliveira de Azeméis: +351 256 600 740 / 40.849273 -8.465049

Tourist office

Turismo de Oliveira de Azeméis: +351 256 674 463 / 40.835009 -8.480275

Medical assistance

Hospital S. Miguel: +351 256 379 700 / 40.841147 -8.471201

Health centre Aliança: +351 256 891 666 / 40.876459 -8.504932

Health centre Entre Margens: +351 256 999 339 / 40.786360 -8.480679

Health centre La Salette: +351 256 664 085 / 40.847895 -8.464926

Fire and rescue service

Bombeiros Voluntários de Oliveira de Azeméis: +351 256 600 670 / 40.840399 -8.478588

Stage São João da Madeira - Santa Maria da Feira


Polícia de Segurança Pública de São João da Madeira: +351 256 815 000 / 40.902111 -8.491772

GNR - Destacamento de Trânsito de São João da Madeira: +351 256 823 311

Tourist office

Welcome Center - Turismo Industrial São João da Madeira: +351 256 200 204 / 40.904064 -8.495824

Medical assistance

Hospital de São João da Madeira: +351 256 837 500 / 40.893636 -8.494700

Fire and rescue service

Bombeiros Voluntários de São João da Madeira: +351 256 837 120 / 40.908639 -8.479692

Stage Santa Maria da Feira - Vila Nova de Gaia


Polícia de Segurança Pública de Santa Maria da Feira: +351 256 300 030 / 40.916190 -8.569144

GNR - Posto Territorial de Lourosa: +351 227 471 260 / 40.979442 -8.538049

GNR - Posto Territorial de Santa Maria da Feira: +351 256 377 260 / 40.919988 -8.566282

Fire and rescue service

Bombeiros Voluntários de Lourosa: +351 227 443 189 / 40.978611 -8.537222

Bombeiros Voluntários de Santa Maria da Feira: +351 256 377 600 / 40.929808 -8.541760

Bombeiros Voluntários de Arrifana: +351 256 823 122 / 40.911674 -8.496274

Tourist office

Santa Maria da Feira: +351 256 370 802 / 40.925190 -8.542232

Medical assistance

Health centre Sudoeste - Polo de Arrifana: +351 256 811 008 / 40.911076 -8.495945

Hospital São Sebastião: +351 256 379 700

Health centre Escapães: +351 256 302 103 / 40.921668 -8.516866

Health centre Cuidar S. João de Ver: +351 256 363 835 / 40.953726 -8.551962

Health centre Fiães: +351 227 441 205 / 40.986057 -8.520122

Health centre Louros: +351 227 443 057 / 40.984071 -8.537578

Health centre Sem Fronteiras de Nogueira da Regedoura: +351 227 648 364 / 41.008854 -8.580398

Fire and rescue service

Bombeiros Voluntários de Lourosa: +351 227 443 189 / 40.978611 -8.537222

Bombeiros Voluntários de Santa Maria da Feira: +351 256 377 600 / 40.929808 -8.541760

Stage Vila Nova de Gaia - Porto


Polícia Municipal de Vila Nova de Gaia: +351 223 778 034 / 41.128109 -8.611445

Polícia de Segurança Pública de Vila Nova de Gaia: +351 223 774 190 / 41.130397 -8.605422

Polícia de Segurança Pública Oliveira do Douro: +351 227 878 372 / 41.127374 -8.578799

Polícia de Segurança Pública – Afurada: +351 227 727 300 / 41.144411 -8.646410

Polícia de Segurança Pública – Valadares: +351 227 169 270 / 41.094491, -8.621264

GNR - Destacamento Territorial de Vila Nova de Gaia: +351 227 862 000 / 41.067810 -8.577028

GNR - Posto Territorial de Arcozelo: +351 227 626 032 / 41.060829 -8.631861

GNR - Posto Territorial de Avintes: +351 227 877 500 / 41.104118 -8.554091

GNR - Posto Territorial de Canelas: +351 227 119 359 / 41.079676 -8.601401

Fire and rescue service

Bombeiros Sapadores de Vila Nova de Gaia: +351 223 778 000 / +351 223 758 724 / 41.117657 -8.595576

Bombeiros Voluntários de Avintes: +351 227 820 230 / 41.113669 -8.560981

Bombeiros Voluntários dos Carvalhos: +351 227 842 001 / 41.072545 -8.578435

Bombeiros Voluntários de Coimbrões: +351 223 793 511 / 41.126759 -8.629161

Bombeiros Voluntários de Valadares: +351 227 112 136 / 41.095126 -8.637056

Tourist office

Turismo de Vila Nova de Gaia: +351 223 742 422 / 41.137882 -8.613513

Medical assistance

Centro Hospitalar de Vila Nova de Gaia-Espinho EPE: +351 227 865 100 / 41.105838 -8.591883

Hospital da Luz – Arrábida: +351 223 776 800 / 41.141068 -8.635429

Hospital Trofa Saúde Gaia: +351 220 439 600 / 41.122080 -8.618787

Health centre Canaviais: +351 227 640 408 / 41.026561 -8.584335

Health centre São Félix - Perosinho: +351 227 625 441 / 41.064207 -8.592918

Health centre de Canelas: +351 227 151 480 / 41.083355 -8.601682

Health centre Nova Salus: +351 220 022 555 / 41.120662 -8.610178

Health centre Barão do Corvo: +351 223 747 010 / 41.126573 -8.625312

Stage Porto – Matosinhos

Pilgrim Welcome Center Porto: 41.1416 -8.61141

Pilgrim's staff and scallop - The pilgrim's staff and scallop can be purchased in Porto, at the Arte Sacra store (Rua da Assunção, 36): +351 222 016 021

CCredential - The credential can be purchased at the Porto Cathedral (Terreiro da Sé): +351 222 059 028
Segunda a sexta 09:00 - 17:30 / Domingo 14:30 - 17:30

Medical assistance

Hospital Geral de Santo António: +351 222 077 500

Hospital de São João: +351 225 512 100

Fire and rescue service

Bombeiros Voluntários do Porto: +351 222 055 845


Police (Praça Pedro Nunes, nº 16 – 4050-466 Porto): +351 222 081 833

Tourist office

Posto de Turismo Terreiro da Sé: 41.1428 -8.6122

Stage Matosinhos – Maia


PSP - Polícia de Segurança Pública (Rua Nova de S. Gens): 41.199 -8.6442

Tourist office

Loja de Turismo: +351 229 392 412 / 41.1800 -8.6940

Posto de Turismo de Leça da Palmeira: +351 229 392 413

Fire and rescue service

Bombeiros: 41.211 -8.6326

Medical assistance

Hospital Santo António: 41.18229 -8.66319

Stage Maia - Vila do Conde


PSP - Polícia de Segurança Pública (Rua Dr.º Augusto Martins, 101 Maia): +351 229 479 690

GNR - Guarda Nacional Republicana (Maia): +351 229 867 430

Tourist office

Maia Welcome Center: +351 229 444 732

Stage Vila do Conde - Póvoa de Varzim

Tourist office

Loja Interativa de Turismo de Vila do Conde: +351 252 248 445

Medical assistance

Health centre Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Vila do Conde: +351 252 249 130


PSP - Polícia de Segurança Pública: +351 252 640 710

GNR - Guarda Nacional Republicana: +351 252 640 160

Fire and rescue service

Bombeiros – Vilar do Pinheiro: +351 252 640 600

Bombeiros Vila do Conde: +351 252 640 600

Stage Póvoa de Varzim - Barcelos

Tourist office

Posto de Turismo: +351 252 298 500

Medical assistance

Hospital da Póvoa de Varzim: +351 252 690 600

Hospital da Luz Póvoa de Varzim: +351 252 690 900


PSP - Polícia de Segurança Pública: +351 252 298 190

GNR - Guarda Nacional Republicana: +351 252 240 350

Fire and rescue service

Bombeiros Voluntários: +351 252 291 500

Stage Barcelos - Ponte de Lima


GNR - Posto Territorial de Barcelos: +351 253 830 180 / 41.524233 -8.621792

Polícia de Segurança Pública de Barcelos: +351 253 802 570 / 41.531440 -8.617458

Tourist office

Posto de Turismo de Barcelos: +351 253 811 882 / 41.530377 -8.619950

Medical assistance

Hospital Santa Maria Maior E.P.E: +351 253 809 200 / 41.533240 -8.616671

Health centre de Barcelos: +351 253 808 316 / 41.533694 -8.624389

Health centre de Barcelinhos: +351 253 839 123 / 41.521308 -8.617196

Health centre Calécia: +351 252 959 230 / 41.444959 -8.634505

Health centre Ligios: +351 253 886 300 / 41.566991 -8.599032

Health centre Santo António:+351 253 808 010 / 41.535702 -8.614199

Health centre Senhora da Lapa: +351 253 886 310 / 41.621667 -8.638770

Fire and rescue service

Bombeiros Voluntários de Barcelos: +351 253 802 050 / 41.532215 -8.611633

Stage Ponte de Lima - Paredes de Coura


Polícia de Segurança Pública de Ponte de Lima: +351 258 900 380 / 41.767793 -8.580766

GNR - Posto Territorial de Ponte de Lima: +351 258 900 240 / 41.761350 -8.576931

Tourist office

Posto de Turismo de Ponte de Lima: +351 258 240 208 / 41.767343 -8.585087

Medical assistance

Health centre de Ponte de Lima: +351 258 909 280 / 41.766881 -8.578344

Hospital Conde de Bertiandos: +351 258 909 500 / 41.767599 -8.579068

Health centre de Vitorino de Piães: +351 258 763 323 / 41.683114 -8.622268

Fire and rescue service

Bombeiros Voluntários de Ponte de Lima: +351 258 909 200 / 41.757445 -8.582894

Stage Paredes de Coura - Valença


GNR - Posto Territorial de Paredes de Coura: +351 251 782 123 / 41.911637 -8.565415

Tourist office

Turismo de Paredes de Coura: +351 251 780 168 / 41.912148 -8.560252

Fire and rescue service

Bombeiros Voluntários de Paredes de Coura: +351 251 780 300 / 41.910199 -8.558653

End of Stage - Valença

Turismo Valença: +351 251 823 329

Medical assistance

Health centre de Valença: 42.02294882568079 -8.647104796491359


GNR Valença: 42.025586 -8.647110

Fire and rescue service

Bombeiros: 42.02528790204573 -8.646665241387383

Central Portuguese Way of Saint James - Central Region


Central Portuguese Way of Saint James – Alentejo e Ribatejo
Getting There
By plane

Arriving at Faro International Airport, you have access to the car rental service or to intermodal transport services (taxi and bus) that allow you to reach Ameixial (Algarve), where stage 1 begins, bound for Santa Cruz (Alentejo).

By road

If you choose to travel by car, from Faro, you can use the National Road 2.

There are regular bus services that connect several cities, towns and main towns in the country to Ameixial (Algarve).

You can consult services and schedules available at: and

By train

Rail transport from Lisbon and Porto arrive to Faro.

Check the services and schedules available at:

Useful Contacts

Useful information on health, police and other services in the municipalities that the Central Portuguese Way of Saint James – Alentejo e Ribatejo passes through

Emergency: 112


Ameixial (Algarve)

Medical assistance

Ameixial Health Centre: +351 289 847 221. Email:


National Republican Guard (GNR) - Territorial Command of Faro +351 289 489 136. Email:



Medical assistance

Santa Cruz Health Centre: +351 286 453 020

Almodôvar Health Centre: +351 286 660 200. Email:


National Republican Guard (GNR) - Territorial Command of Almodôvar: +351 286 660 051


Castro Verde

Medical assistance

Castro Verde Health Centre: +351 286 320 140. Email:


National Republican Guard (GNR) - Territorial Command of Castro Verde: +351 286 320 080. Email:



Medical assistance

Messejana Health Centre: +351 284 655 147. Email:

Aljustrel Health Centre: +351 284 600 150. Email:


National Republican Guard (GNR) - Territorial Command of Aljustrel: +351 284 600 010



Medical assistance

Fornalhas Velhas Health Centre: +351 283 322 133 Email:


National Republican Guard (GNR) - Territorial Command of Colos: +351 283 691 171 Email:


Santiago do Cacém

Medical assistance

S. Domingos Health Centre: +351 269 903 030. Email:

Santiago do Cacém Health Centre: +351 269 708 457. Email:

General Hospital: +351 269 818 142


National Republican Guard (GNR) - Territorial Command of Santiago do Cacém: +351 269 249 200. Email:



Medical assistance

Grândola Health Centre: +351 269 450 200


National Republican Guard (GNR) - Territorial Command of Grândola: +351 269 242 600. Email:


Alcácer do Sal

Medical assistance

Alcácer do Sal Health Centre: +351 265 610 500 Email:

Casebres Health Centre: +351 265 649 118


National Republican Guard (GNR) - Territorial Command of Alcácer do Sal: +351 265 249 740. Email:


Vendas Novas

Medical assistance

Vendas Novas Health Centre: +351 265 809 000. Email:


National Republican Guard (GNR) - Territorial Command of Vendas Novas: +351 265 809 780. Email:



Medical assistance

Coruche Health Centre: +351 243 610 500. Email:


National Republican Guard (GNR) - Territorial Command of Canha: +351 265 249 764. Email:



Medical assistance

Benavente Health Centre: +351 263 516 147. Email:

Samora Correia Health Centre: +351 263 650 900. Email:

Santo Estêvão Health Centre: +351 263 516 775. Email:


National Republican Guard (GNR) - Territorial Command of Benavente: +351 263 518 220. Email:

National Republican Guard (GNR) - Territorial Command of Samora Correia: +351 263 650 020


Salvaterra de Magos

Medical assistance

Salvaterra de Magos Health Centre: +351 263 500 470. Email:

Marinhais Health Centre: +351 263 595 359


National Republican Guard (GNR) - Territorial Command of Salvaterra de Magos: +351 263 504 118. Email:

National Republican Guard (GNR) - Territorial Command of Marinhais: +351 263 590 170



Medical assistance

Santarém Hospital: +351 243 300 200. Email:

Santarém Health Centre: +351 243 303 231. Email:


National Republican Guard (GNR) - Territorial Command of Santarém: +351 243 300 070/ 243 300 091. Email:

Public Security Police (PSP): +351 243 322 022




Golegã Health Centre: +351 249 979 180.  Email:


National Republican Guard (GNR) - Territorial Command of Golegã: +351 249 979 030. Email:


Additional information about Central Portuguese Way of Saint James - Alentejo e Ribatejo

Additional Information about Central Portuguese Way of Saint James – Alentejo e Ribatejo

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